Meet The Team
Meet The Team
Mashilo Pitjeng
Managing Director
Mashilo Pitjeng – is the Chief Executive at TseboREAL Asset Management, a division of BLK Asset Solutions, and a Director at the Academy of Construction and Real Estate (ACRE). BLK Asset Solutions is a real estate asset management consulting and risk management advisory firm.
Mashilo Pitjeng is a non-executive director at Pareto Limited; an independent director and a member of the Property Sector Charter Council; council member at the South African Council of Property Valuers Profession, chairperson of the Policy and Advocacy Committee at the SAIBPP and is a registered professional valuer. History of employment includes a role as Head of Valuations at ABSA-Barclays Africa; Asset Management Executive and Acting-CEO at the Joburg Property Company; Regional Property Head for MTN (South Africa), and an Asset Management Deputy Director at the National Department of Public Works.
▪ Pr. A.Val – South African Council of Property Valuation Profession (1998 – current)
▪ Member of the Institute of Directors Southern Africa (2008-current)
Matsie Tsotetsi
Operations Manager
Matsie Tsotetsi is an Operations Manager at ACRE. For over 15 years, Matsie has been a remarkable leader in the training and skills development space. You may know her from her work as the Training Project Coordinator at Milzet Holdings. She played a massive role in introducing learnerships and internships in the rural areas of KwaZulu Natal.
Matsie holds a Diploma in Logistics Management from the University of Johannesburg. She also has upskilled herself with skills relevant to skills development, she has done courses such as Skills Development Facilitator (SDF), Mentoring and Coaching, Assessor and Moderator.